Fecha 22/5/2017
Hora 2:30 pm
Lugar Aula Magna H-304, Jr. Sánchez Cerro 2121, Jesús María
Informes eventos@up.edu.pe
Organizado por Facultad de Ingeniería
So far this year, El Niño Costero phenomenon has brought severe problems to the people of Peru. A solidarity chain was organized within the Peruvian community (state, companies, and people) to meet the needs that arose. However, we are not yet ready to provide efficient humanitarian logistics in the face of natural disasters.
Humanitarian logistics is defined as the process of effective and efficient planning, implementation and control od the flows of products, materials, and information from the donors - individuals and organizations - to the people affected in order to satisfy their survival needs.
We invite you to this month´s UPx where the guest speaker will be Dr. Irineo de Brito, professor at Sao Paulo State University and expert in humanitarian logistics. He will present key cases and actions to take into account when planning efficient humanitarian logistics to face disasters such as the ones that have struck our country.
Registration: https://goo.gl/I u5T3M
*La presentación se realizará en inglés y se contará con traducción simultánea.
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