

CALL FOR PAPERS | Latin American Workshop in Econometrics

Fecha 21/3/2018

Hora 12:00 am

Lugar Universidad del Pacífico

Informes latameconometrics2018@up.edu.pe

Organizado por Facultad de Economía y Finanzas

The program committee invites submissions of papers (either complete, or also work in progress to benefit from the discussion with attendees). Each person may submit only one paper and only present one paper. However, each person is allowed to be the co-author of several papers submitted to the conference. At least one co-author must be a member of the Society or must join prior to submission. You may join the Econometric Society at http://www.econometricsociety.org.

Prospective contributors are invited to submit their papers by Wednesday, March, 21st 2018 to latameconometrics2018@up.edu.pe

More information and important dates in      https://goo.gl/VZHyND​



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