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Universidad del Pacífico
International Week 2019

facultades y seminarios

Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales
Managerial Accounting

This seminar is intended to develop managerial accounting skills on the means of gathering and using accounting information to support decision making within the organization. The purpose of management accounting is to help managers in the decision-making process to achieve as efficiently as possible the goals of their organization. As such, the emphasis is on performance evaluation and management control tools.

Eduardo Schiehll, PhD
Eduardo Schiehll, PhD
HEC Montréal
  • D.E.S.S. (comptabilité), Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
  • M. Sc. (finance), Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
  • Ph. D. (administration), HEC Montréal
  • CRC/RS
Datos del seminario
Dictado en inglés
lunes 05 a miércoles 07 (02:30 p.m. - 08:30 p.m.)
jueves 08 a viernes 09 (02:30 p.m. - 09:30 p.m.)
Créditos: 2
Lugar: A-301
Prerrequisitos: (50) créditos académicos aprobados y Contabilidad de Gestión (160088 del Plan 2017) o Contabilidad Administrativa (160136 del Plan 2015)
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