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Universidad del Pacífico
International Week 2019

facultades y seminarios

Facultad de Ingeniería
Disaster Science:
Modeling and Applications for Disaster Risk Reduction

This seminar offers a series of lectures, case studies and research outcomes explained from the instructor’s experience on research, government activity in disaster mitigation and post-disaster field surveys of some of the most devastating events around the world: 2001 Camana earthquake and tsunami, Peru; 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami; 2007 Pisco earthquake and tsunami, Peru; 2010 Maule earthquake and tsunami, Chile; 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami; 2013 Super Typhoon Haiyan, The Philippines; 2014 Mae Lao earthquake, Thailand; 2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami, Indonesia.

In addition, this seminar will present various applications of recent technologies in disaster risk reduction. Several of those related to modeling and simulation of multiple aspects of disasters (i.e. earthquake damage, tsunami damage, evacuation response, disaster humanitarian relief, earth observation and unmanned aerial vehicles in disasters). Furthermore, an introduction to the theories and methodologies used in these simulations and modeling approaches is presented.

Erick Mas, Ph.D.
Erick Mas, PhD
Tohoku University
  • Ph.D. Tsunami Engineering, Faculty Civil Engineering - Tsunami Engineering, Tohoku University - Japan
  • M.Sc. Disaster Risk Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering - Disaster Risk Management, National University of Engineering – Peru
  • B.Eng. Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, National University of Engineering – Peru
Datos del seminario
Dictado en inglés
Lunes 05 a miércoles 07 (07:30 a. m. - 01:30 p. m.)
Jueves 08 a viernes 09 (07:30 a.m. - 02:30 p.m.)
Créditos: 2
Lugar: J-601
Prerrequisitos: (50) créditos académicos aprobados.
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