facultades y seminarios
Facultad de Ingeniería
Cyber Logistics
City logistics are facing tremendous changes because of technological developments and the associate growth of consumer expectations regarding to e-commerce deliveries. This seminar will provide insights and concrete case studies of the impact of this trend on operators, city managers, and urban environments in large cities around the world, including Latin America. Groups will be organized to work with real situations, where the point of view of the different stakeholders should be considered.
Laetitia Dablanc, PhD
University of Paris-East
- Director of research at the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport (IFSTTAR, University of Paris-East) and a member of MetroFreight, a VREF Center of excellence in urban freight research.
- PhD in transportation planning from Ecole des Ponts-ParisTech.
- Master’s degree in city and regional planning from Cornell University.
Datos del seminario
Lunes 05 a jueves 08 (10:30 a. m. - 01:30 p. m.)
Viernes 09 (10:30 a.m. - 02:30 p.m.)
Prerrequisitos: (50) créditos académicos aprobados
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