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Universidad del Pacífico
International Week 2019

Schools and Seminars

School of Engineering
The new digital revolution:
How technology, data and agility change the current businesses

This seminar focuses on the main concepts, methods and technologies involved in the new digital revolution, which are currently driving the transformation of businesses, changing our working habits and the way we communicate with the customers and suppliers. This seminar also gives to the participants an insight into the concept of agility and trains them to apply one of the most used agile methods in real world projects.

Raúl Calderón, PhD
Raúl Calderón, PhD
  • PhD in Aeronautics ISAE-SUPAERO- University of Aerospace Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering Diploma (Master equivalent) ISAE-SUPAERO (ENSICA)
  • Mechanical Engineering studies CPGE Michel Montaigne (Bachelor equivalent)
Seminar information
Conducted in English
Monday 05th to Thursday 08th (02:30 p. m. - 05:30 p. m.)
Friday 09th (02:30 p.m. - 06:30 p.m.)
Credits: 1
Place: (to be confirmed)
Prerequisites: (50) créditos académicos aprobados y Arquitectura del Sistema de Información
Not required for undergraduate alumni and international students
If you have any questions concerning the seminars, please write to: