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Universidad del Pacífico
International Week 2019

Schools and Seminars

School of Engineering
Digital Transformation

The essence of a digitally transformed business model is in defining the manner by which the enterprise delivers value to customers, entices customers to pay for value, and converts those payments to profit. To do so, business leaders and experts of tomorrow/students of today must acquire advanced competencies of electronic business, setting up an e-business strategy, business models needed for transformation and building e-business. The course addresses issues concerning the design of a digital transformation strategy in the company, customer relationship management, direct links with suppliers in its supply chain, changes in the nature of products and services in conjunction with digital and interactive services, and the role of governmental e-services.

Peter Trkman, Ph.D.
Peter Trkman, PhD
University of Ljubljana
  • Full professor of information systems and supply chain management at University of Ljubljana.
  • PhD University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics.
  • Research and consulting areas including digital transformation, electronic business, business models (innovation)
Seminar information
Conducted in English
Monday 05th to Wednesday 07th (07:30 a. m. - 01:30 p. m.)
Thursday 08th to Friday 09th (07:30 a.m. - 02:30 p.m.)
Credits: 2
Place: (to be confirmed)
Prerequisites: (50) créditos académicos aprobados.
Not required for undergraduate alumni and international students
If you have any questions concerning the seminars, please write to: