Schools and Seminars
School of Business
Marketing Insights
What product aspects are important for consumers? What is the optimal price for a product? How can I segment and profile consumers? Which consumers should I target with promotions? How much should I spend to acquire a consumer? How much are my customer’s worth? This seminar focuses on the most frequently used and practical market assessment approaches to making marketing mix decisions and finding answers to these questions.
Arjen Van Lin, PhD
Tilburg University
- PhD in Marketing, CentER, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
- MPhil in Marketing, CentER, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
- MSc in Marketing Analytics, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
- MSc in Marketing Management, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Seminar information
Monday 05th to Wednesday 07th (02:30 p.m. - 08:30 p.m.)
Thursday 08th to Friday 09th (02:30 p.m. - 09:30 p.m.)
Prerrequisitos: (80)créditos académicos aprobados e Investigación de Mercados.
Not required for undergraduate alumni and international students
If you have any questions concerning the seminars, please write to: