Universidad del Pacífico signed an agreement at the III Business Summit of the Pacific Alliance
July 06 , 2016
During the international meeting, our university signed, along with three other universities in the region, the Strategic Observatory for the Pacific Alliance.
In order to provide academic support to the Pacific Alliance, our university signed an agreement to promote the development and implementation of the Strategic Observatory for the Pacific Alliance (SOPA), within the framework of the III Business Summit of the Pacific Alliance, which was held last June 30 in the city of Frutillar in Chile.

The agreement was signed by three other universities that represent each of the member countries of the Pacific Alliance. They were Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico) and Universidad Católica de Chile.

“The Conference has given us the opportunity to meet representatives of the institutions that are part of the Observatory for the Pacific Alliance and identify the opportunity that taking part in this network represents for our university. The next meeting will be held in October at Universidad del Pacífico in order to coordinate the projects proposed by the four universities", said David Mayorga, academic vice president of our university, who represented us at the summit.

About the SOPA 

The SOPA is an academic space, constituted of the “founding universities " of the Pacific Alliance whose general objective is to contribute to facilitate the collection, analysis, exchange and dissemination of content relevant for decision making, in line with the objectives of Universidad del Pacífico. 

About the III Business Summit 

The III Business Summit of the Pacific Alliance gathered 700 attendees, among senior executives of companies and SMEs, and took place days after the IV business Matchmaking held in Santiago, which generated about US $200 million in business expectations. Participants had the opportunity to attend panels on business opportunities for SMEs, entrepreneurship and innovation, trade facilitation and financial integration.

David Mayorga Universidad del Pacífico Pacific Alliance press center


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