Professor Juan Lazo will present research paper in the XXI Brazilian Congress of Automation
October 04 , 2016

​The professor of the School of Engineering at Universidad del Pacífico, will present the scientific paper entitled “Sistema de optimización del modelo de ubicación y control de Válvulas inteligentes bajo incertidumbre técnica” ("Optimization system of the location and control model of intelligent Valves under technical uncertainty") in the XXI Congress Brazilian of Automation-CBA 2016.

​​Juan Lazo​, professor of the School of Engineering at Universidad del Pacífico, will participate in the XXI Brazilian Congress of Automation to be held from October 3 to 7 in the city of Vitoria, capital of Espirito Santo, Brazil, where he will present his paper "Sistema de optimización del modelo de ubicación y control de Válvulas inteligentes bajo incertidumbre técnica" ("Optimization system of the location and control model of intelligent Valves under technical uncertainty")​

Through this research, professor Lazo, also doctor in Electrical Engineering in the area of Decision Support Methods and Master in Electrical Engineering in the area of Computer Systems, seeks to optimize oil production through the application of valves that will allow greater control over it. He explains that the model developed allows to have the optimal location of these valves, their behavior over time and the risk analysis, in other words, critical information for the financial economic calculation of an oil project. "We provide all the conditions for a company to make decisions," he says. 

Among the advantages that the application of this model would have, those that stand out are cost reduction due to the optimization of the production process, and the provision of the proactive control strategy in the future considering the technical uncertainties that may arise in the operation of the valves. On the other hand, it can reduce costs by minimizing waste production, thus favoring a lower environmental impact. In this way, the model presented by Lazo allows the maximization of the Net Present Value (NPV) of an oil project for its next 20 years of production. "How to improve production, how to produce more for a longer time and generating less waste", highlights the professor of the School of Engineering at UP summarizing his research. 

About the Brazilian Congress of Automation 

Once a year, starting two decades ago, many scientists and researchers in the field of engineering in Brazil gather in the Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA) to present their research and receive criticism from reviewers with high academic standards, coming from different parts of the world. "The CBA works as a kind of thermometer to measure the level of scientific production at undergraduate, master's and doctorate levels", explains Professor Lazo Lazo. 

The papers presented in the CBA are reviewed by at least three doctors who work in the area. Each  of them makes their criticisms and/or comments, which are valuable for researchers since these contributions can help them improve their papers. "What interests us is the criticism, I know about the area, but at the same time I'm my biggest obstacle", reflects the researcher, who believes that the presentation of the paper in the congress is a necessary litmus test prior to the publication of its broad and detailed version in a scientific journal. 

The presentation of the scientific paper “Sistema de optimización del modelo de ubicación y control de Válvulas inteligentes bajo incertidumbre técnica” ("Optimization system of the location and control model of intelligent Valves under technical uncertainty") in the CBA 2016 will take place on October 05.​



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