UP student Jean Pierre Bolaños presented research work at the Conference on Agrarian Perspectives in Prague
October 11 , 2016

​The student, who attends the tenth term of the International Business program at Universidad del Pacífico, presented the paper on the reasons for low fish consumption in Metropolitan Lima.

​After a year of research, Jean Pierre Bolaños had the opportunity to present the paper "Impact of underlying psychometric attitudes on fish consumption: an exploratory research in Modern Metropolitan Lima, Peru" at the "Agrarian Perspectives XXV" ​International Scientific Conference held in Prague, Czech Republic. 

The research was accepted in August this year to be presented at the twenty-fifth edition of the conference that brings together researchers from around the world to discuss agricultural issues, rural development and agribusiness. It should be noted that the student from Universidad del Pacífico was the only one from the Latin American región and one of the youngest speakers.
"Being able to participate in this important conference i​​s getting to see that all the effort that you've made pays off. What I like the most about doing research is being able to explain the findings to the audience. This is what I see myself doing" said the 21-year-old student. 

On the other hand, this week Jean Pierre will present his new research work co-authored with María Alejandra Padilla and Professor Martín Hernani. It is on "The effect of resources and capabilities on export performance in Peruvian SMEs of the apparel sector" and will be presented at the II International Symposium on relations between Latin America and Asia - Pacific organized by Universidad del Pacífico School of International Business​.

About the research presented in Prague ​​

The research, which was carried out together with Professor Angie Higuchi​, explores the reasons for the low consumption of fish in Metropolitan Lima analyzing four factors from the consumer side such as flavor, previous experience, the healthy aspect and a positive attitude towards fish. 

"We analyzed these four factors to find those that do have an influence on consumers eating fish or not. What we found is that only three of these factors influence consumption. They are flavor, previous experience and the positive attitude toward fish. The healthy factor, i.e. admitting that fish has nutritional benefits, does not affect consumption" explains Bolaños. 

The student of the International Business​ program and research assistant at Universidad del Pacífico Research Center (CIUP) considers the findings even more interesting as former pu​​blic policies had insisted on running campaigns in favor of the consumption of fish putting an emphasis on the healthy aspect: "we are investing in efforts that the consumer does not value. This research may serve as a basis for analyzing how to focus future campaigns for fish consumption," he said.​



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