Universidad del Pacífico hosted the first Spanish contest of the CGTN Chinese television network held abroad
October 05 , 2017
Fifteen Chinese contestants living in Peru put their Spanish language skills to the test. The event was recognized as an important initiative for the cultural exchange between China and Peru.
Universidad del Pacífico Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies co-organized with the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Peru, China Global Television Network (CGTN), the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Peru (AEC) and the Peruvian Chinese Culture and Youth Education Association (ACEJ), the "CGTN Spanish contest", which for the first time includes two Latin American cities (Lima and Mexico D.F.) in its semi-final phase. The contest, which was held on September 25 and was attended by fifteen participants, aimed to test the mastery of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture among Chinese citizens residing in Peru.

Language as a key tool in the relationship between China and Latin America 

The opening words, on behalf of UP, were in charge of Dr. Rosario Santa Gadea, Director of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies, who highlighted the importance of language, considered a "key bridge" for the exchange and strengthening of cultural ties. She also emphasized that Chinese citizens learning Spanish as well as Hispanics learning Chinese contribute to the improvement of the mutual understanding between China and Latin America. 

In the same vein, Santa Gadea highlighted the interest of the university to promote relations between Peru and China, not only through the Center she presides, but also through the UP Language Center, run by María de la Lama, M.A., a place where Mandarin Chinese has been taught for several years. Then, Ms. Zhu Xiaoyan, Cultural Counselor of the Embassy at the People's Republic of China in Peru, stressed the importance of this contest given the fluid and growing trade link between Peru and China, a situation that, today, has generated conditions for a greater cultural exchange between both nations. 

Great opportunity for Chinese citizens 

The contest consisted of three qualifying stages that measured the contestants' ability to use the Spanish language. The jury was composed of Mr. Kong Aimin, President of the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Peru, as well as Zhu Xiaoyan, Rosario Santa Gadea and María de la Lama, who had the difficult task of evaluating the participants. 

In the first round of the contest, which was called "Show me your talent", the participants had to take a linguistic talent test. At this stage, in addition to appearing before the audience and the jury, they developed various activities that involved the use of language, such as reciting poems, singing, dubbing animated series, among others. 

In the second part of the event, in order to test the ability and use of the language they were asked to give a speech in Spanish, where the topic was chosen by lot. 

In the last round, there was a debate in which each of the contestants had an assigned time to provide arguments, generate replies and offer final comments respecting the two existing positions in relation to the advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology in everyday life. 

After the intense day, the jury selected four finalists: Jin Tian, Dai Shanglong, Zhang Ting, Chen Weijian. Those who will have the chance to participate in the final stage of the contest that will be held in Beijing during the month of November of this year will be chosen by score among these finalists and the ones corresponding to the semifinal held in Mexico. 

Dissemination and impact of the contest 

The successful first semifinal in Latin America, which was hosted by Universidad del Pacífico, was the subject of a press release presented on the CGTN channel, where a summary of the contest was made and the words of the President of Universidad del Pacífico, Dr. Elsa Del Castillo Mory, who said that Universidad del Pacífico has felt very honored to have been the venue of the contest, were highlighted. 

Finally, His Excellency Mr. Jia Guide, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Peru, pointed out the advantages of choosing our country to host the competition, among which the promotion of cultural exchanges between the two peoples stands out. To be able to access this CGTN press release, click HERE​.

Center for Peru-China Studies China Actualidad


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