The II National Forum for Accounting students brought together students from all over Peru.
October 05 , 2016

​The Accounting program at Universidad del Pacífico organized, one more time, the event that brought together accounting students from across the country.

​​​​For the second consecutive year, Universidad del Pacífico organized the National Forum for Accounting students that seeks to disseminate topics of interest to the accounting profession. 

"In the Accounting​ program we train the future accountant as an active manager in the creation of value in organizations and a leader that makes de​cisions and manages effectively and efficiently the financial, economic, tax and cost information, with a sense of ethics and s​ocial responsibility," explained Sergey Udolkin​​, Vice Dean of Accounting at Universidad del Pacífico.
For Guillermo Runciman, professor of Finance at Universid​​​​ad del Pacífico, one of the purposes of the forum is to discuss topics of current relevance to the accountant and that must be consistent with the financial reality of the country. 

Sergey Udolkin, Vice Dean of Accounting

Professor Guillermo Runciman

About topics and speakers 
The topics covered in this second edition of ​the forum were strategic cost management, financial instruments in accounting, microfinance and SMEs, tax planning, forensic accounting, internal control and risk management. 

The speakers that took part in the series of conferences were Oscar Diez Canseco (Sabbha Perú); Fernando Cadillo (Lima Stock Exchange); Francisco Pantigoso (Pantigoso & Asociados) Rosario Calderón (KPMG) and Juan Paredes (EY Peru)



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