Professors David Wong and Jorge Heredia were invited to a seminar in China
January 09 , 2017

The 2016 Seminar for Sinologists of the Republic of Peru was held in Beijing where both professors from Universidad del Pacífico were invited.

In order to establish relations with researchers and influencers of our country, the Beijing International Chinese College invited Universidad del Pacífico professors David Wong and Jorge Heredia to attend the "2016 Seminar for Sinologists of the Republic of Peru" held from November 10 to 24 in China. ​

The seminar aimed to provide a face-to-face experience in China for academics, journalists and Peruvian authorities so that in the future they can work more effectively and foster friendly relations between China and Peru. 

"During the two weeks, we had Mandarin, Chinese economy, crafts and Chinese philosophy classes, as well as visits to major tourist and historical sites in Beijing," said Professor David Wong. 

In total, 37 Peruvian participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Chinese culture during the two-week seminar.

Peruvian delegates invited to the seminar

A primary player 

For Professor Wong, the trip served to get to know the Chinese culture and daily life more deeply, beyond the image that the West has of it. 

"China may be controversial, but everyone's going to do business with it. It is an important player in the world and essential for world trade," added Wong. 

The Universidad del Pacífico researcher added that he left with a great impression of the eastern country but argues that pollution is a pending task for China. 

"Pollution is a very important issue. You feel it as soon as you arrive in China. All the houses have air filters and many people wear masks on the streets. It is definitely a pending issue for China to solve urgently" he concluded.

Professor David Wong

Professor Jorge Heredia

Interest in Latin America 

On the other hand, Professor Jorge Heredia stressed the interest of Chinese researchers to study innovation in Latin America. 

"Some of the PhD candidates are interested in visiting our research team at UP to study the effect of institutions on the innovation processes in Latin America" said Professor Heredia. 

Finally, he said that some professors would be visiting our university in order to establish greater relations with Universidad del Pacífico and its Center for Peru-China Studies.



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