The Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies participated in Think Tanks Summit (T20) in China
August 17 , 2016

​Our university was present in the Think 20 Summit (T20), the great event of this debate and discussion forum that brings together the think tanks of the member countries of the Group of Twenty (G-20) including the greatest advanced and emerging economies worldwide led by China. 

Think 20 Summit in China T20 

A Summit with the topic “Building New Global Relationships: New Dynamics, New Vitality, New Prospects” took place in Beijing on July 29 and 30. It was attended by almost 500 think tank experts, politicians, and representatives of international organizations from 25 countries. The representation of Universidad del Pacífico in this important forum was in charge of the Director of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific   Studies, Rosario Santa Gadea.

The event was carried out a month after the G20 Summit and consists in an “important platform for the think tanks from the entire world in order to contribute with their knowledge and perspectives to the G-20 leaders,” highlighted the emissary and Vice President of China, Li Baodong. 

During the two days of the event, topics of global importance were discussed such as economic growth models, global governance, revitalization trade, and international investments, among others.

​​​​​​​​​Dr. Rosario Santa Gadea, Director of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific​​​   Studies.
Message to the G20 Summit 

Chinese institutions in charge of the T20 activities prepared a political recommendations brief addressed to the G20 Countries’ leaders. The debates conducted in all the meetings held during the T20’s Official Calendar 2016 and the surveys answered by several experts worldwide enabled the brief to be drafted. 
Said recommendations cover matters such as global economic governance, innovation, and structural reform, as well as international finances, trade, and investment. 

About the T20 meeting in our country 

The invitation to the T20 Summit followed the successful organization of one of the meetings of this Forum’s Official Calendar: the workshop on “International Development Financing System for Inclusive Growth: Partnership and Prosperity Issues in Developing Countries” co-hosted by Universidad del Pacífico and the Center for China and Asia-Pacific   Studies in April this year. 

This event held at the Universidad del Pacífico institutional home was the result of the joint work of the three Chinese academic institutions in charge of the T20’s activities: Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IWEP-CASS); Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS); and Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China (RDCY). More than 30 researchers from around the world were present for the exchange of ideas at that meeting. 

China Daily’s story that mentions the participation of Universidad del Pacífico. In the picture: University President Elsa del Castillo next to the Director of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific   Center, Rosario Santa Gadea. 

Activities of the UP representative in China 

Dr. Rosario Santa Gadea had an outstanding participation in the T20 Summit as a speaker on the panel about “Strengthening the Coordination between Regional Trade Agreements and Multilateral Trade System.” It should be noted that Peru is not a member country of the G20, so the invitation to participate in this forum granted to UP’s Center for China and Asia-Pacific   Studies is especially relevant. 

After the T20, the Director of the Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies visited several Chinese academic institutions. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IWEP-CASS) stands out among them. Future joint activities are being coordinated with it. The aim is to establish a contact network that will benefit the research and training activities promoted by the Center. 

Furthermore, Xinhua News Agency, the greatest in the Asian country, was able to interview Santa Gadea about the economic relations between China and Peru. “It is important that the structure of exports to China diversifies and investment not only occurs in the extractive mining sector but that it also involves further processing of those raw materials in the country,” said Santa Gadea to the Chinese agency.​

Centro de Estudios Perú-China Rosario Santa Gadea


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