Forseti online magazine specializing in law launches printed version
October 12 , 2016

​This printed compendium contains the 13 most outstanding articles throughout the history of Forseti, magazine by the UP Law students.

​Forseti is the Nordic god of justice and truth, values that led to choose it as the name of the publication produced since 2013 by Law students from Univesidad del Pacífico. Forseti online magazine has addressed various issues on the matter in order to capture the interest of different law specialists, including international arbitration, civil law heritage, environmental law or intellectual property. 

Its last five editions have been online issues. A printed version consisting of a compendium of the best articles from all its online editions has been recently launched. In this compendium you will find topics from different branches of law, written by renowned lawyers in the country. 

The release of the Compendium aims to facilitate magazine access to readers and help Forseti be best known by the public. The printed Compendium has a wide variety of topics, making it a good tool to solve problems of various kinds. 

Here are some article titles:

•  “Gastos pre operativos en la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta: Alcances y controversias” ("Pre Operating expenses in the Income Tax Law: Scope and controversies"), by Guillermo Hidalgo and Cynthia Aldazábal. 

• “¿Petro reloaded o Petro retro? De las distorsiones generadas por la presencia de la actividad empresarial del Estado y las dificultades para controlarlo” ("Reloaded Petro or retro Petro? On the distortions generated by the presence of the State business activity and the difficulties to control it"), by Alejandro Falla. 

• “Una revisión funcional al recurso de anulación de laudo en el Perú” ("A functional review to the action for annulment of award in Peru"), by Mario Reggiardo.  

• “La naturaleza jurídica del arbitraje según el Tribunal Constitucional peruano: riesgos en el camino” ("The legal nature of arbitration according to the Peruvian Constitutional Court: risks on the road"), by Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry and José Luis Repetto.
• “Arbitraje y estipulación a favor de terceros bajo el Derecho Peruano” ("Arbitration and stipulation in favor of third parties under the Peruvian Law"), by Roque J. Caivano and Verónica Sandler Obregón.
• “Objeto contractual y transferencia de propiedad” ("Contract object and property transfer"), by Marco Antonio Ortega.

Forseti also collects the most important judicial rulings, awards and administrative resolutions of the period. Also, the organizing team holds events, seminars, courses and academic conferences related to current legal issues.

Finally, in order to address the interdisciplinary and academic analysis of current issues, the Forseti newspaper, in which professors, professionals and university students publish their opinions and articles in a short friendly format for all, is also published. 

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