
roberto luis urrunaga pasco-font- javier torres gómez
Research area:
- Regulation, Infrastructure and Competition

This study aims to assess the socio-economic performance of the population living in the path of the Interoceanic Highway. Specifically, it is proposed to assess the income level, employment, working hours and health of households living in districts close to the highway. The working hypothesis is that the Interoceanic highway had a mixed effect among the beneficiated or treated districts. Although the Interoceanic Highway connects twenty-seven districts, a detailed analysis of the social impact that its construction has had on the beneficiary population has not been made. This research aims to be the first contribution to cover this gap. The analysis is part of the assessment literature on the effects of access to public infrastructure. Specifically, the significant reduction in the cost of transportation and alteration of the interconnection between districts.

Efectos de la infraestructura de transporte en el bienestar de la población: el caso de la carretera Interoceánica (“Effects of transport infrastructure in the welfare of the population: the case of the Interoceanic Highway”)
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