Research area:
- Macroeconomics and Economic Policy
In order to continue and expand the research work around the Peruvian pension plan, it is important to calculate the level of personal saving in a historical way. This is because the pension plan based on mandatory saving in our economy has as one of its main arguments the low level of saving at the individual level, which compromises the economic stability of older adults. Finally, forecasts of current pension plans (contributory and non-contributory) are of vital importance for assessing the actuarial sustainability of the ONP (“public plan”) and the efficiency and adequacy of the ONP, the AFP (private pension fund) and Pensión 65 (subsidised pension scheme for poor elderly Peruvians). While it has forecasts of the private pension fund (AFP), these will be refined with appropriate estimates of mortality tables at the departmental level and forecasts of contribution and coverage for the ONP and Pensión 65.