
elsa patricia galarza contreras
Research area:
- Natural Resources and Evironmental Economics

Flour and fish oil industry on the basis of the anchoveta is the main industrial activity in the Peruvian fishing sector. In 2008, the Legislative Decree 1084, which implemented the quota system for anchovy fishery, was published. Four years later, the Supreme Decree 005-2012, which exclusively reserves the area between 5 and 10 nautical miles for small-scale fishing, destined for direct human consumption, was published. However, contradictorily, the catch for human consumption declined, while the standard became the incentive for black fishing. With future prospects toward the end of the term of the current amount and calculation of fishing rights established by Legislative Decree 1084, and with the aim of contributing to the improvement of individual quota system, the assessment of policy proposals is considered relevant under various scenarios for regulating the anchovy fishery and the potential effects of these options on production and employment in the sector. In this sense, the objective of the research is to quantitatively estimate the ex-ante impact of specific development policies for industrial fishing before various deployment scenarios.

Evaluación cuantitativa de políticas en la pesquería de anchoveta peruana (“Quantitative evaluation of policies in the Peruvian anchovy fishery”)
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