Graduate Profile

What do Business Engineering graduates from Universidad del Pacífico do?

  • They develop a horizontal and systemic vision of businesses stemming from business architectures.
  • They efficiently manage business processes of great complexity.​
  • They lead and execute business change and transformation projects.​
  • They design and implement innovative solutions, using cutting-edge information technologies.​​

Where do Business Engineering degree holders work?

Graduates from the Degree in Business Engineering occupy strategic positions in large local and international organizations, both public and private, where technology contributes to innovation in several strategic fields. Business engineers work in several sectors, such as mass consumption, banking, technology, etc. They work in:

  • Organizations in the private and public sectors, where they occupy managerial and project management positions, and undertake leadership in support and innovation implementation functions.
  • Abroad, where they participate in work teams for regional and global companies thanks to their natural vision of business.
  • Their own businesses, as consultants or advisors in various companies and sectors.​

