Professional Profile
Main professor in the Academic Department of Economics, and professor researcher and member of the Regulatory, Infrastructure, and Competition Area at Universidad del Pacífico Research Center (CIUP). He holds a Master of Arts in Economics from Georgetown University (Ilades) and a degree in Economics from Universidad del Pacífico.
He has undertaken specialization studies in infrastructure issues at the World Bank Institute in Washington (United States).
Among his main areas of interest are the economic regulation and analysis of transport infrastructure and public services, public finance, and macroeconomic issues.
Urrunaga is Committee President of PROINVERSION regarding Road Infrastructure, Railway Infrastructure, and Airport Infrastructure - Pro Integración. He has been regulation manager at OSITRAN (Peru’s transport regulator), member of the Commission of Patrimonial Restructuring at INDECOPI, Board member of the Military and Police Pension Fund, President of the Board of Sedapal and director of companies.
Specialization Areas
Regulation of public utilities, infrastructure development impacts, analysis of concessions and public-private partnerships.