"Peru ranks third in human trafficking in the region"
February 05 , 2018

Universidad del Pacífico Law Program organized the Criminal MOOT that seeks to encourage the participation of university students in the discussion and addressing of social issues.

According to the Judiciary, Peru is the country that ranks third in the region in human trafficking. In addition, the Ombudsman's Office identified some 1,773 women trafficking victims in 2016 alone, an alarming figure if one takes into account that an estimated 200 thousand girls are victims of sexual exploitation in the country. 

The most vulnerable people to this crime come from the poorest departments of the country and the mining areas, according to José Antonio Caro, Law professor at Universidad del Pacífico. In  this sense, Universidad del Pacífico organized the IV National  Interuniversity Contest of Criminal Litigation on Human Trafficking, a competition in which law students from all over the country  put their skills and knowledge in Criminal Law to the test. Through this competition the participants strengthen and develop their ability to reason and deepen their knowledge while recreating a trial.


Students debate in the Criminal MOOT 2018 

According to José Antonio Caro, professor of Law at Universidad del Pacífico, it is important that educational institutions address these issues. The expert argued that the victims are persons in a high state of vulnerability and events like this seek to raise awareness among the future legal professionals. "It gives me great satisfaction because I see that students can put into practice what they have learned with enough rigor, level and capacity and that professionalism goes hand in hand with the values we teach at Universidad del Pacífico". 

According to a report in El Peruano newspaper, following the increase in  complaints in Lima and other cities in the country, the Government designed the National Plan against Human Trafficking until 2021, with the participation of ministries, the Judiciary, the Public Ministry, the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec) and the National Superintendence of Migration. ​

The aim of this plan is that the fight against the mafias dedicated to this crime be comprehensive and forceful. According to the newspaper, during the 2017 period, 865 operations were carried out. During these operations 1,229 victims were rescued, 59 of which are citizens of Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina. The interventions also served to capture 410 people involved with trafficking in Loreto, Lima, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Cusco, Madre de Dios, Puno, Tingo Maria and Ica.



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