Professional Profile
Director of the Master program in Regulation of Public Services and Infrastructure Management at Universidad del Pacífico. He graduated as a civil engineer from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and holds a Master of Arts from Georgetown University.
He has over 20 years of professional experience in teaching, research, and consultancy, both nationally and internationally. Among his main fields of study are the regulation and competition in public services, infrastructure concessions, and transport logistics.
He has been head of the Academic Department of Economics and Dean of the School of Economics and Finance at Universidad del Pacífico. He has been general manager of the National Superintendence of Sanitation Services (SUNASS), Chairman of the Board of the Technical Agency for the Management of Sanitation Services (OTASS), consultant to the IDB, CAF, ECLAC, GIZ, KfW and the World Bank, as well as leader of the infrastructure and regulation table of the National Competitiveness Council. He is currently a member of the specialized Chamber No. 1 of the Court for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property of INDECOPI (The National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property) and member of the Pro-Development Committee PROINVERSIÓN.
Specialization Areas
Regulation and competition in public services, infrastructure concessions, and transport logistics.