Professor Profile


Professional Profile

Senior professor at Universidad del Pacífico Academic Department of Finance and researcher at Universidad del Pacífico Research Center. Engineer Economist from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, holds a graduate degree in Macroeconomics and Finance from the Free University of Berlin (Germany).
He has wide experience as professor and lecturer in several conferences held nationwide. He has also held management positions in the Peruvian government and has been awarded the “Cruz Peruana a Mérito Aeronáutico” award in “Officer” status for his exceptional and meritorious services for the benefit of the Peruvian Armed Forces. He is currently writing, along with his research team, a book on the National and International Financial System.
He is partner and director of the Swiss Medical & Financial Group. He was public debt adviser in the office of the Comptroller General of the Republic, managing director of the Public Credit at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, director of PETROPERU and manager of COFIDE. He was member of the Peruvian External Debt Committee and member of the Supervisory Board of Banco Nacional de Cooperativas (BANCOOP). In addition, he has been consultant to institutions such as Standard Chartered Bank, Citibank and EMAPE, among others.

Specialization Areas

External debt, financial system, corporative finances, investment decisions, derivative instruments, public finances and introduction to environmental economy.